Hey guys!
Those of you who are tattooed will probably agree on this, once you get your first tattoo, you'll kind of get 'addicted' to it and you probably want more! At least that's how it was in my case. I've been thinking about my next tattoo since I got my first one, which was last year in August. (click here to read the post about that

The last few weeks and maybe even months were quite rough for me, and suddenly I knew what my next tattoo needed to be. Also a really good friend of mine got her first tattoo(s) last week and since then I couldn't wait to get my next one done. :)

I went to the tattoo studio after school yesterday to make an appointment and the artist said I could come back at 4:30pm that day - I was quite shocked to be honest, because I never thought that I would get an appointment that soon, but well - I got my second tattoo yesterday! I got it done by the same artist as my last one and he did an awesome job again. I'm so in love with it! :)

For those of you who are interested if it hurt, no it didn't. It just tickled a bit, but to be honest, I really enjoyed it, it was quite relaxing (I know this may sound a bit weird) and it didn't take longer than 15 minutes until he was finished with it.

I got the tattoo as an reminder for myself, that no matter how hard or bad things may seem at the moment, they will pass and better times will come again! On the other hand, it's also there to remind me to appreciate the good times more and to make the best out of it, because they also won't last forever.

What about you?
What do you think about tattoos? Do you have or want any? 
Tell me in the comments below :)

want more tattoo stories? 

forth one (coming soon)
fifth one

xo, Lena

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