This one has been sitting in my drafts for nearly a year now - an empty post with just a title. To be precise, since last October when I got my third tattoo - the one on my left arm. Maybe you've seen it in one or two of my Instagram pictures, though I never made a big fuss about it. As it's probably the most personal of all my tattoos, I mostly kept it private. So of course, ever since I got said tattoo, people have been asking me "What does it mean?" and mostly I told them to google the Morse code-alphabet and find out for themselves. (cause I knew they'd be too lazy for that) Until today I only opened up to my closest friends about the meaning. Because I never found the right words to describe my thoughts and back-story, but maybe I never will... that's the best I can do & hopefully you'll understand what I'm trying to say.

enough tattoo

First of all, I know it's not the most amazing tattoo, but then again, it doesn't have to be. I even kinda like that it's not perfect, cause neither am I.

"I exist as I am, that is enough." 
-Walt Whitman

Like nearly all my of other tattoos, this one was quite spontaneous as well. Endlessly scrolling through Pinterest one night, I stumbled upon a photo of a tattoo in morse-code. I was hooked with that idea immediately. I didn't know what I wanted it to say right away, but it didn't took long. So the next day after work I went to the tattoo studio and made an appointment. A week later I said hello to tattoo number 3!

small tattoos

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In the past, whenever it didn't work out with someone, mostly romantically speaking,(especially one person who kept walking in and out of my life as he pleased) deep down I always thought that it was because I simply wasn't good enough for them. Even though it may not  always have seemed like it on the outside, I always wondered if it was my fault and if I could've prevented it, if only I had been good enough. Fortunately I know now that that was complete bullshit!  

selflove tattoo

I am good enough the way I am. I am beautiful even if I don't see myself as such, inside and out. I should never apologize for being exactly who I am, because being me is the best gift I can give myself and others. I am enough.

& that's why I got this tattoo - as a reminder that I am good enough. And you are too! Please don't let anybody ever tell you otherwise! Let's all be the best version of ourselves and know that it's enough. And don't make anybody feel (or treat them) like they aren't. 

xo, Lena

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  1. Love the tattoo and the meaning behind it!
    (Übrigens finde ich, selbst wenn man anderen Leuten die Bedeutung hinter einem Tattoo erklärt, ist sie für einen selbst, ganz privat, immer noch ein bisschen anders. Ist bei mir auch so. :) )

    1. Danke dir! :)
      Ja, stimmt auch wieder. 😊
