Hello! This post should have gone up a while ago now actually but I just didn't feel like writing it. Call it what you want - "writers block" or whatever. ;) At lot of you guys out there have probably already heard about or seen a photo of the Green Lake in Tragöß, Styria. To visit that lake has been on my bucket list for waaaay too long now! And finally I am able to tick it off of my list, even though it's definitely a place I want to revisit again in another season.
I've already kinda spamed you on Instagram with photos of this place, but oh my it's just magical. The mountains surrounding it, the lake itself with all these crazy tones of blue and green. Pure nature. Although there are quite a few people enjoying that with you at the same time. However, there's always a more quite place or bench where you could just relax and enjoy the scenery.
"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul."
Going to that place, spending a day in the forest was exactly what I needed. Sometimes I just have to go to a peaceful place like that to remind myself that life's amazing and this is what it's all about, am I right? Sometimes all you need is a 'time out' from work and all the other hubbub that's going on everyday and a picturesque place like that is just perfect for it.
Aaaaand.. this is it, the 'famous' bench - the one you'll probably have seen pictures of where it's completely under water. How is that possible you might ask? Well this lake changes with the seasons. In autumn/winter there isn't much water, but when spring arrives and the temperature rises, the ice and snow from the surrounding Hochschwab mountains melt, and so the water of the lake increases. It reaches a maximum depth of about 10 meters so a lot of the benches, paths and also parts of trees are underwater then.
Have you already been to that place before? Oh, and if you know any other beautiful places (preferably in Austria) I need to visit - let me know about them in the comments below! :)
Have you already been to that place before? Oh, and if you know any other beautiful places (preferably in Austria) I need to visit - let me know about them in the comments below! :)
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